Friday, January 22, 2016

中古編み機の選び方 - Choosing a second-hand knitting machine


  • 今時、編み機は全く人気がない。全盛期は70、80年代だったらしい。
  • ほとんどのメーカーはもう作っていない。販売も修理サービスはもう終わっている。(唯一残っているメーカーはDLLES IN(旧シルバー精工)。
  • ヤフオクに出ている編み機のほとんどは使い物にならないジャンク品。


I've always wanted a knitting machine and the new year seemed a good time to take the plunge and buy one.  My research led me to the following conclusions:
  • No-one buys knitting machines any more. Their popularity peaked in the '70s and '80s.
  • Most manufacturers don't make them any more. Sales and repairs are no longer available. There is only one manufacturer left in Japan, DLLES IN (which acquired the now-defunct Silver Reed brand.)
  • Most of the knitting machines on Yahoo Auctions are expensive paperweights.
 Very few Silver Reed machines are auctioned online and that's the main reason why I decided to go for a cheaper Brother machine. So how do we separate the working machines from the junk?

I have compiled the following simple guide to buying a used Brother knitting machine (4.5 pitch) in Japan. Please be aware that I am not an expert and this information is for reference only.

I focused on the following three models:

Model/型番 Details/詳細
パリエ 7
Palie 7
1980- パンチカード式、ニットリーダー内蔵(1/2縮尺シート)
1980- Punch card, built-in knit leader (half size)
Palie 8
1986-87 パンチカード式、ニットリーダー内蔵(1/2縮尺シート)
1986-87 Punch card, built-in knit leader (half size)
Palie A

1987-89 パンチカード式、ニットリーダー内蔵(1/2縮尺シート)
1987-89 Punch card, built-in knit leader (half size)

All three have pretty much the same specs but the punch cards are slightly different.

  • 針押さえスポンジの劣化 (隙間テープで代用できるらしい)
  • 針のさび
  • グリスの固まり
The main issues with second-hand knitting machines are:
  • Sponge bar deterioration (some people use draught excluder tape as a substitute)
  • Rust on the needles
  • Hardening of grease in the machine

It's impossible to tell the condition of a machine just by looking at it. Most sellers are second-hand shops and they usually say that they have no specialised knowledge about knitting machines and therefore they can't answer specific questions. It's a better bet to buy from the original owner, if possible.

ちなみにオークションで落札できたのはパリエA KH-891でした。とても状態が良くてすぐ使えました。これは私の初めての機械編みの作品!!!

I ended up buying a Palie A KH-891. It is in great condition and I was able to knit with it straight away. Here is my first ever machine knitted masterpiece!!!


Next time, we'll have a look at knitting machine accessories.